What is a Doula and a Birth keeper, is there a difference?
A doula is a trained non-medical support person who provides physical, emotional and spiritual support to women during major medical events in their life. Those events can include fertility, birth, pregnancy loss, death, etc.
A Birth Keeper is someone who holds space for women to find the fullness of their power, to learn to truly trust, connect and listen to their bodies and to give birth in a way that makes you feel seen, heard, safe and respected. We respect and understand birth. We don't empower women, we help them embrace the power within. Birth keepers encourage women to take control of their birth by knowing their rights and becoming educated about the birth process so they are empowered to make choices that are best for their families. Birth keepers support you in whatever capacity you need to achieve the birth experience you desire.
Birth keepers are doulas but doulas are not birth keepers as doulas are bound and limited in how they can support women by whatever scope their certifying organization has set.
We believe in traditional wisdom. We believe that birth is a right of passage. We are here to awaken the power in women so we can reclaim birth. We know that women are born with the wisdom of birth and motherhood in our DNA, after all, women have populated the entire earth.
We believe in mothering the mother. We believe in your body! We believe that women are wise and birth is sacred, we believe in traditional wisdom.
We believe in you!
Should I have a Birth Keeper?
Do you want to increase your chances of having the birth you desire?
Do you want to learn all about birth, your options, your rights and make informed decisions?
Do you want to tap in to your power as a woman?
Do you want continued physical, mental and emotional support focused completely on you?
Do you want to take pressure off dad or help him become more in tune with you?
Do you want to be an active participant in your birth?
Do you want to be cared for instead of managed?
Do you know that you are in charge of your birth, body and baby and you can decline any medical procedure that doesn't align with your families values?
If you answered yes to any of these then you should have a birth keeper.

What are the benefits of a Birth Keeper?
Personalized care and more focused support for mom
More educated and informed decision making
Higher satisfaction with birth outcomes
Better recovery
Less need for pain medication and less requests for epidural
Much lower c-section rate
Higher chance of a spontaneous vaginal birth
Shorter labors
Decreased chance for episiotomies